Results for 'Michael Padraic Wolf'

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  1. The Normative and the Natural.Michael Padraic Wolf & Jeremy Randel Koons - 2016 - New York: Palgrave.
    Drawing on a rich pragmatist tradition, this book offers an account of the different kinds of ‘oughts’, or varieties of normativity, that we are subject to contends that there is no conflict between normativity and the world as science describes it. The authors argue that normative claims aim to evaluate, to urge us to do or not do something, and to tell us how a state of affairs ought to be. These claims articulate forms of action-guidance that are different in (...)
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  2. An Inferentialist Semantics for Natural Kind Terms.Michael Padraic Wolf - 1999 - Dissertation, Georgetown University
    My dissertation is concerned with natural kind terms; its most basic goal is to provide a semantic account of the role these play in scientific discourse. Since my broad semantic approach follows Sellars and Brandom in looking to the pragmatically articulated inferential role of sentences rather than their relation to the world, I manage to set aside metaphysical questions regarding the nature of kinds. I begin with an account of the central role played by natural kind terms in theoretical explanation. (...)
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    Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit dem Wunsch nach SuizidhilfeArbeitsgruppe „Ethik am Lebensende“ in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e. V. (AEM).Gerald Neitzke, Michael Coors, Wolf Diemer, Peter Holtappels, Johann F. Spittler & Dietrich Wördehoff - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (4):349-365.
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  4. Temporal binding, binocular rivalry, and consciousness.Andreas K. Engel, Pascal Fries, Peter König, Michael Brecht & Wolf Singer - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2):128-51.
    Cognitive functions like perception, memory, language, or consciousness are based on highly parallel and distributed information processing by the brain. One of the major unresolved questions is how information can be integrated and how coherent representational states can be established in the distributed neuronal systems subserving these functions. It has been suggested that this so-called ''binding problem'' may be solved in the temporal domain. The hypothesis is that synchronization of neuronal discharges can serve for the integration of distributed neurons into (...)
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    Does time help to understand consciousness?Andreas K. Engel, Pascal Fries, Peter König, Michael Brecht & Wolf Singer - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2):260-68.
  6. Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science.Nicole Zwiren, Glenn Zuraw, Ian Young, Michael A. Woodley, Jennifer Finocchio Wolfe, Nick Wilson, Peter Weinberger, Manuel Weinberger, Christoph Wagner, Georg von Wintzigerode, Matt Vogel, Alex Villasenor, Shiloh Vermaak, Carlos A. Vega, Leo Varela, Tine van der Maas, Jennie van der Byl, Paul Vahur, Nicole Turner, Michaela Trimmel, Siro I. Trevisanato, Jack Tozer, Alison Tomlinson, Laura Thompson, David Tavares, Amhayes Tadesse, Johann Summhammer, Mike Sullivan, Carl Stryg, Christina Streli, James Stratford, Gilles St-Pierre, Karri Stokely, Joe Stokely, Reinhard Stindl, Martin Steppan, Johannes H. Sterba, Konstantin Steinhoff, Wolfgang Steinhauser, Marjorie Elizabeth Steakley, Chrislie J. Starr-Casanova, Mels Sonko, Werner F. Sommer, Daphne Anne Sole, Jildou Slofstra, John R. Skoyles, Florian Six, Sibusio Sithole, Beldeu Singh, Jolanta Siller-Matula, Kyle Shields, David Seppi, Laura Seegers, David Scott, Thomas Schwarzgruber, Clemens Sauerzopf, Jairaj Sanand, Markus Salletmaier & Sackl - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (5):359-376.
    Peer review is a widely accepted instrument for raising the quality of science. Peer review limits the enormous unstructured influx of information and the sheer amount of dubious data, which in its absence would plunge science into chaos. In particular, peer review offers the benefit of eliminating papers that suffer from poor craftsmanship or methodological shortcomings, especially in the experimental sciences. However, we believe that peer review is not always appropriate for the evaluation of controversial hypothetical science. We argue that (...)
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    Ist mit Hegel ein Denken von Befreiung möglich?Michael Rahlwes, Till Rudnick, Nicos Tzanakis Papadakis & Frieder Otto Wolf - 2021 - Philosophische Rundschau 68 (4):390.
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    Nationenbilder als Gegenstand der Massenkommunikationsforschung.Wolf Michael Iwand - 1976 - Communications 2 (2):167-186.
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  9. Das Stammzellgesetz. Entstehung und Bedeutung.Wolf-Michael Catenhusen - 2003 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 8:275-281.
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    Small God, Big City: Earth God Shrines in Urban Hong Kong.Michael Wolf - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Following the success of Hong Kong Corner Houses, German photographer Michael Wolf continues his collaboration with Hong Kong University Press to produce Small God, Big City. Wolf again uses his creative eye to draw attention to overlooked objects in the visually rich urban environment of Hong Kong. This time the object is the Earth God shrine, found commonly by the doorways of shops and homes throughout Hong Kong. Through his visually stimulating and thought-provoking photographs, Wolf challenges (...)
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  11. Genes, identity and clinical ethics under conditions of uncertainty.Rebecca Wolf, Michael Joseph Young, Michael Ashley Stein & Harold J. Bursztajn - 2015 - In Gerard Quinn, Aisling De Paor & Peter David Blanck, Genetic discrimination: transatlantic perspectives on the case for a European-level legal response. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  12. Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Analysis and Recommendations.Susan M. Wolf, Frances P. Lawrenz, Charles A. Nelson, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Mildred K. Cho, Ellen Wright Clayton, Joel G. Fletcher, Michael K. Georgieff, Dale Hammerschmidt, Kathy Hudson, Judy Illes, Vivek Kapur, Moira A. Keane, Barbara A. Koenig, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Elizabeth G. McFarland, Jordan Paradise, Lisa S. Parker, Sharon F. Terry, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):219-248.
    No consensus yet exists on how to handle incidental fnd-ings in human subjects research. Yet empirical studies document IFs in a wide range of research studies, where IFs are fndings beyond the aims of the study that are of potential health or reproductive importance to the individual research participant. This paper reports recommendations of a two-year project group funded by NIH to study how to manage IFs in genetic and genomic research, as well as imaging research. We conclude that researchers (...)
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  13. Sellars on the Revision of Theoretical Commitments.Michael P. Wolf - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 92 (1):233-255.
    This paper addresses some of Sellars's views on conceptual change and revision, spread across several books and articles. It begins with Sellars's distinction between rules of criticism and rules of action. I argue that Sellars's distinction here actually sheds light on the epistemology of theoretical revision. Many revisions of theoretical commitments can be motivated by the force of rules of action that govern the maintenance of our theories. I offer a partial account of this, positing two rules of action. A (...)
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  14. The Self-Correcting Enterprise: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Volume 9.Michael P. Wolf (ed.) - 2006 - Rodopi.
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    Transformationstheorie: Stand, Defizite, Perspektiven.Michael Wolf - 2001
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    Exemplars, Prototypes, Similarities, and Rules in Category Representation: An Example of Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis.Michael D. Lee & Wolf Vanpaemel - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (8):1403-1424.
    This article demonstrates the potential of using hierarchical Bayesian methods to relate models and data in the cognitive sciences. This is done using a worked example that considers an existing model of category representation, the Varying Abstraction Model (VAM), which attempts to infer the representations people use from their behavior in category learning tasks. The VAM allows for a wide variety of category representations to be inferred, but this article shows how a hierarchical Bayesian analysis can provide a unifying explanation (...)
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  17. Abortion: Three Perspectives.Michael Tooley, Celia Wolf-Devine, Philip E. Devine & Alison M. Jaggar - 2009 - Oup Usa.
    The newest addition to the Point/Counterpoint Series, Abortion: Three Perspectives features a debate between four noted philosophers - Michael Tooley, Celia Wolf-Devine, Philip E. Devine, and Alison M. Jaggar - presenting different perspectives on one of the most socially and politically argued issues of the past 30 years. The three main arguments include the "liberal" pro-choice approach, the "communitarian" pro-life approach, and the "gender justice" approach. Divided into two parts, the text features the authors' ideas, developed in depth, (...)
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    Contextualist Responses to Greene’s Puzzle.Michael P. Wolf - 2005 - Southwest Philosophy Review 21 (2):179-182.
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    I’m Here Now.Michael P. Wolf - 2008 - Southwest Philosophy Review 24 (2):109-116.
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    Quantum models of cognition as Orwellian newspeak.Michael D. Lee & Wolf Vanpaemel - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):295-296.
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    Incidence of metacarpal fractures in the US population.Michael N. Nakashian, Lauren Pointer, Brett D. Owens & Jennifer Moriatis Wolf - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 426-430.
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  22. Introduction.Michael Wolf - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 92:11-19.
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    The Self-Correcting Enterprise: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars.Michael P. Wolf & Mark Norris Lance - 2006 - Rodopi.
    A collection of Essays dealing with themes in the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars.
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    A grasshopper walks into a bar: The role of humour in normativity.Michael P. Wolf - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (3):330–343.
  25.  28
    Estimating the Prevalence of Nonpaternity in Germany.Michael Wolf, Jochen Musch, Juergen Enczmann & Johannes Fischer - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (2):208-217.
    The prevalence of nonpaternity in human societies is difficult to establish. To obtain a current and fairly unbiased estimate of the nonpaternity rate in Germany, we analysed a dataset consisting of 971 children and their parents in whom human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing had been carried out in the context of bone marrow transplantation. In this sample, nine exclusions (0.93%) could be identified on the basis of more than 300 HLA-haplotypes defined by four HLA genes. Given this number of exclusions, (...)
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    Illusio »Bestenauslese«: Berufungsver fahren als machiavellistisches Spielfeld.Michael Wolf - 2018 - In Falk Bornmüller & Katrin Felgenhauer, Macht:Denken: Substantialistische Und Relationalistische Theorien - Eine Kontroverse. Transcript Verlag. pp. 105-118.
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    Language, mind, and world: Can't we all just get along?Michael P. Wolf - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (3):363–380.
    This article addresses recent claims made by Richard Rorty about antirepresentationalist theories of meaning. Rorty asserts that a faithful rendering of the core antirepresentationalist assumptions precludes even revised pieces of representationalist semantics like "refers" or "true" and epistemological correlates like "answering to the facts." Rorty even asserts that such notions invite reactionary authoritarian elements that would impede the development of a democratic humanism. I reject this claim and assert that such notions (suitably constructed) pose no greater threat to democratic humanism (...)
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    The Ordinary Language Case for Contextualism and the Relevance of Radical Doubt.Michael P. Wolf & Jeremy Randel Koons - 2018 - Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (1):66-94.
    Many contextualist accounts in epistemology appeal to ordinary language and everyday practice as grounds for positing a low-standards knowledge (knowledgeL) that contrasts with high-standards prevalent in epistemology (knowledgeH). We compare these arguments to arguments from the height of “ordinary language” philosophy in the mid 20th century and find that all such arguments face great difficulties. We find a powerful argument for the legitimacy and necessity of knowledgeL (but not of knowledgeH). These appeals to practice leave us with reasons to accept (...)
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    Ii. abteilung.Patrick Andrist, Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, Jelena Bogdanović, Rudolf Stefec, Sergei Mariev, Katelis Viglas, Charles C. Yost & Michael Altripp - 2014 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 107 (1):253-292.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 253-292.
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    Philosophy of Language: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments in Philosophy.Michael P. Wolf - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers readers a collection of 50 short chapter entries on topics in the philosophy of language. Each entry addresses a paradox, a longstanding puzzle, or a major theme that has emerged in the field from the last 150 years, tracing overlap with issues in philosophy of mind, cognitive science, ethics, political philosophy, and literature. Each of the 50 entries is written as a piece that can stand on its own, though useful connections to other entries are mentioned throughout (...)
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  31. Philosophy of language.Michael P. Wolf - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Shared Decision-Making and the Lower Literate Patient.David I. Shalowitz & Michael S. Wolf - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):759-764.
    In recent years, shared decision-making has become entrenched in the medical literature and the law as the ideal method for involving patients in decisions related to their health care. Shared decision-making represents a compromise between the opposed extremes of paternalistic interactions that limit patients’ control of their health care, and “informed choice” interactions that require physicians to provide technical expertise only, leaving patients to make all treatment decisions on their own. An implicit goal of shared decision-making is to improve medical (...)
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    Could I Just Be a Very Epistemically Responsible Zombie?Michael P. Wolf - 2009 - Southwest Philosophy Review 25 (2):69-72.
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    The curious role of natural kind terms.Michael P. Wolf - 2002 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83 (1):81–101.
    The semantics of natural kind terms has recently been seen as a problem of reference. Kripke and Putnam have suggested that their meaning begins with rigid designation, with any further implications emerging after empirical study. I part ways with this approach and instead offer an account that focuses on the contribution that these terms make to the inferential roles of different sorts of sentences. I note that natural kind terms play an odd array of grammatical roles, both as subject and (...)
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  35. Kripke, Putnam and the introduction of natural kind terms.Michael P. Wolf - 2002 - Acta Analytica 17 (1):151-170.
    In this paper, I will outline some of the important points made by Kripke and Putnam on the meaning of natural kind terms. Their notion of the baptism of natural kinds- the process by which kind terms are initially introduced into the language — is of special concern here. I argue that their accounts leave some ambiguities that suggest a baptism of objects and kinds that is free of additional theoretical commitments. Both authors suggest that we name the stuff and (...)
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    Boundaries, Reasons, and Relativism.Michael P. Wolf - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37:205-220.
    During the latter half of the twentieth century, many philosophers in Europe and America turned towards social pragmatist and holistic accounts of concepts and theories. In this paper, I make the case that many forms of relativism—moral and otherwise—that emerge from this turn are misguided. While we must always operate from some framework of practices in which things may serve as reasons for us, most forms of relativism in recent decades have more boldly granted us immunity from external rational scrutiny. (...)
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  37. Rigid Designation and Anaphoric Theories of Reference.Michael P. Wolf - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):351-375.
    Few philosophers today doubt the importance of some notion of rigid designation, as suggested by Kripke and Putnam for names and natural kind terms. At the very least, most of us want our theories to be compatible with the most plausible elements of that account. Anaphoric theories of reference have gained some attention lately, but little attention has been given to how they square with rigid designation. Although the differences between anaphoric theories and many interpretations of the New Theory of (...)
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    Relationships Between Language Structure and Language Learning: The Suffixing Preference and Grammatical Categorization.Michelle C. St Clair, Padraic Monaghan & Michael Ramscar - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1317-1329.
    It is a reasonable assumption that universal properties of natural languages are not accidental. They occur either because they are underwritten by genetic code, because they assist in language processing or language learning, or due to some combination of the two. In this paper we investigate one such language universal: the suffixing preference across the world’s languages, whereby inflections tend to be added to the end of words. A corpus analysis of child‐directed speech in English found that suffixes were more (...)
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    Making Sense of the Role of Assertions.Michael P. Wolf - 2019 - Philosophical Investigations 42 (4):396-418.
    Much of the literature on speech acts and semantics assigns a type of theoretical priority to assertions; many philosophers assume, as Robert Brandom has put it, that assertion is the fundamental speech act. Others take a more pluralistic approach, with many categories interwoven as peers, and no one category as fundamental. I suggest there is a way to embrace a pluralistic approach and explain the importance of assertions without making them fundamental. Their role instead becomes one of supporting connections between (...)
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  40. Rigid Designation and Natural Kind Terms, Pittsburgh Style.Michael P. Wolf - 2012 - Normative Functionalism and the Pittsburgh School.
    This paper addresses recent literature on rigid designation and natural kind terms that draws on the inferentialist approaches of Sellars and Brandom, among others. Much of the orthodox literature on rigidity may be seen as appealing, more or less explicitly, to a semantic form of “the given” in Sellars’s terms. However, the important insights of that literature may be reconstructed and articulated in terms more congenial to the Pittsburgh school of normative functionalism.
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    Is Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Threatened to Fall Short of its Own Principles and Possibilities as a Dialectical Social Science?Ines Langemeyer & Wolf-Michael Roth - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (2):20-42.
    In recent years, many researchers engaged in diverse areas and approaches of “cultural-historical activity theory” (CHAT) realized an increasing international interest in Lev S. Vygotsky’s, A. N. Leont’ev’s, and A. Luria’s work and its continuations. Not so long ago, Yrjö Engeström noted that the activity approach was still “the best-held secret of academia” (p. 64) and highlighted the “impressive dimension of theorizing behind” it. Certainly, this remark reflects a time when CHAT was off the beaten tracks. But if this situation (...)
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  42. Reference and Incommensurability: What Rigid Designation Won’t Get You. [REVIEW]Michael P. Wolf - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (3):207-222.
    Causal theories of reference in the philosophy of language and philosophy of science have suggested that it could resolve lingering worries about incommensurability between theoretical claims in different paradigms, to borrow Kuhn’s terms. If we co-refer throughout different paradigms, then the problems of incommensurability are greatly diminished, according to causal theorists. I argue that assuring ourselves of that sort of constancy of reference will require comparable sorts of cross-paradigm affinities, and thus provides us with no special relief on this problem. (...)
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    Strategic differentiation and integration of genomic-level heritabilities facilitate individual differences in preparedness and plasticity of human life history.Michael A. Woodley of Menie, Aurelio José Figueredo, Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Heitor B. F. Fernandes, Guy Madison, Pedro S. A. Wolf & Candace J. Black - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:134325.
    The Continuous Parameter Estimation Model is applied to develop individual genomic-level heritabilities for the latent hierarchical structure and developmental dynamics of Life History (LH) strategy LH strategies relate to the allocations of bioenergetic resources into different domains of fitness. LH has moderate to high population-level heritability in humans, both at the level of the high-order Super-K Factor and the lower-order factors, the K-Factor, Covitality Factor, and General Factor of Personality (GFP). Several important questions remain unexplored. We developed measures of genome-level (...)
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    (1 other version)Understanding collaborative practice: Reading between the lines actions.Sung Won Hwang, Wolf-Michael Roth & Lillian Pozzer-Ardenghi - 2005 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 7 (1):50-69.
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    Variable-free semantics.Michael Böttner & Wolf Thümmel (eds.) - 2000 - Osnabrück: Secolo.
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    Introduction to Progress and Puzzles of Cognitive Science.Rick Dale, Ruth M. J. Byrne, Emma Cohen, Ophelia Deroy, Samuel J. Gershman, Janet H. Hsiao, Ping Li, Padraic Monaghan, David C. Noelle, Iris van Rooij, Priti Shah, Michael J. Spivey & Sashank Varma - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13480.
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    Beyond the basics: Designing a comprehensive response to low health literacy.Elisa J. Gordon & Michael S. Wolf - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (11):11 – 13.
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  48. Multiculturalism: Expanded Paperback Edition.Kwame Anthony Appiah, Charles Taylor, Jürgen Habermas, Stephen C. Rockefeller, Michael Walzer & Susan Wolf - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    A new edition of the highly acclaimed book Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition," this paperback brings together an even wider range of leading philosophers and social scientists to probe the political controversy surrounding ...
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    Belief, Desire, and Giving and Asking for Reasons.Donald W. Bruckner & Michael P. Wolf - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (2):275-280.
    We adjudicate a recent dispute concerning the desire theory of well-being. Stock counterexamples to the desire theory include “quirky” desires that seem irrelevant to well-being, such as the desire to count blades of grass. Bruckner claims that such desires are relevant to well-being, provided that the desirer can characterize the object in such a way that makes it clear to others what attracts the desirer to it. Lin claims that merely being attracted to the object of one’s desire should be (...)
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    Conducting Research with Highly Portable MRI in Community Settings: A Practical Guide to Navigating Ethical Issues and ELSI Checklist.Francis X. Shen, Susan M. Wolf, Frances Lawrenz, Donnella S. Comeau, Barbara J. Evans, Damien Fair, Martha J. Farah, Michael Garwood, S. Duke Han, Judy Illes, Jonathan D. Jackson, Eran Klein, Matthew S. Rosen, Efraín Torres, Paul Tuite & J. Thomas Vaughan - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):769-785.
    Highly portable and accessible MRI technology will allow researchers to conduct field-based MRI research in community settings. Previous guidance for researchers working with fixed MRI does not address the novel ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) of portable MRI (pMRI). Our interdisciplinary Working Group (WG) previously identified 15 core ELSI challenges associated with pMRI research and recommended solutions. In this article, we distill those detailed recommendations into a Portable MRI Research ELSI Checklist that offers practical operational guidance for researchers contemplating (...)
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